The Nye Neighborhood Association (NNA) is an all-volunteer organization funded by member and a donation from the City of Newport.   It is the first and only neighborhood association in the City of Newport, organized under requirements adopted by the Newport City Council. These requirements include specifically identifying the geographic boundaries of the neighborhood.  Our Neighborhood uses the boundaries of the Nye Beach Design Overlay.  This is significant for historical reasons and because the Design Overlay has a distinct set of land use requirements that differ from the city as a whole.

Technically, we are a registered, non-profit corporation, incorporated under the laws of the State of Oregon, managed by a Board of Directors, according to the terms of member approved Bylaws, for the benefit of the neighborhood and the public. Under Oregon law, residents or property and business owners located within our geographic boundaries may become voting members but are not automatically members, nor can anyone be required to join.

The Association is recognized by the city as the voice of the residents of our neighborhood to the City of Newport. It is a two-way conversation where we communicate to our residents what the city wants to do and our residents get to say what they do or do not want done. Based on membership votes or Board votes, the Association may take a position, give testimony at hearings, and write advisory letters to the city on various issues. We also will work to help coordinate comments and input to various city agencies and leaders from Nye residents. At times, residents may bring issues of concern or suggestions for neighborhood improvements to the Association and we can help organize and coordinate neighbors to work together on those projects.

The Association sponsors events meant to bring neighbors together and provide a service to our community. These include neighborhood and beach clean-ups and beautification projects, and informational/educational events providing opportunities to dialogue with city officials and issues of interest to our members.

We may work for city sponsored improvements and projects, support or oppose changes in traffic patterns, new development and zoning, safety issues, parks, and also sponsor community events.